








  1. 引导学生全面、系统地了解中国文化的核心内容和主要特征,包括历史、哲学、文学、艺术、宗教、习俗等多个方面。

  2. 帮助学生理解翻译在文化交流中的重要性,掌握翻译的基本理论,并能在实践中灵活应用。

  3. 学习与中国文化相关的英语词汇和表达方式,如传统节日、历史名人、文化符号等,掌握特有的成语、谚语、俗语等,并能在翻译和写作中准确应用。


  1. 提高学生的英语语言能力,特别是翻译能力,使他们能够读懂并准确翻译与中国文化相关的文本,确保信息的准确性和完整性。

  2. 培养学生跨文化意识和文化交际能力,使他们能够用流利的英语向外国友人介绍中国文化,促进中外文化交流。

  3. 激发学生对中国文化研究的兴趣,培养他们的学术素养和探究精神。

  1. 价值目标

  1. 通过对中国文化的全面介绍和深入学习,使学生深入理解和认同中华文化的博大精深和独特魅力,从而增强民族自豪感和文化自信。

  2. 增强学生的跨文化意识,使他们能够理解并尊重不同文化之间的差异,避免在跨文化交流中出现误解和冲突。

  3. 培养学生的社会责任感,使他们意识到自己在传承和弘扬中国文化中的重要作用,积极为推广中国文化作出贡献。

  1. 思政元素





















  1. 设计思路


1. 课前,把有些背景词汇或内容做成相应的PPT或微视频,提前一周上传到雨课堂,并设置讨论任务,供学生自学讨论,课堂主要是实践应用。

2. 课堂上采用多种教学模式,主要是教师讲授部分重难点内容,其他内容分配给学生以小组为单位进行PPT制作并展示,或者是段落翻译实践练习,让学生学以致用,敢于把所学知识表达出来。

3. 课后任务巩固:每个类别学完后,要求学生以词汇表达听写、段落翻译、延伸阅读或英语微视频等方式巩固本类别相关内容,加深理解和掌握。

4. 拓展延伸:每个类别收集相关的文献、视频等课外材料,并推荐给学生阅读观看,以讨论任务或写读后感的方式检查督促。










4.1 导入---恰逢国庆节,提问




101日上午,为庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年,在北京天安门广场举行了盛大的阅兵仪式和精彩纷呈的群众**(mass pageantry)。晚上,数万群众参加了盛大的联欢活动。烟花点亮北京的夜空。

阅兵military parade


celebrate the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China's founding

群众**mass pageantry

联欢活动evening gala


4.2 教师讲解

4.2.1 Origin of Chinese Festival

  • The formation of traditional festivals is a long process of historical and cultural accumulation in a nation or a state.

  • 日历 connected with ancient astronomy, calendars and mathematics

  • 精神需求 primitive sacrifice, superstitious taboo and earthly life, people's spirit and religious influence

  • 历史人物 historical figures, showing people's commemoration

4.2.2 Chinese calendars

  • Lunar calendar阴历/农历

  • Solar calendar阳历

  • 二十四节气Jieqi, or the 24 seasonal division points, is a key factor in forming traditional festivals. According to the traditional Chinese calendar, a year is divided into 24 points, which can accurately show seasonal changes and acts as a basic guidance system for agricultural production. The 24 seasonal division points came into being in the Warring States Period (475 BC-221 BC).

  • 腊八节Laba Festival

  • 冬至Winter Solstice

4.2.3 中国传统节日

  • 春节(农历正月初一)

  • the Spring Festival the 1st Day of the Chinese lunar calenda

  • 元宵节 (灯节) (农历正月十五)

  • the Lantern Festival /the 15th day of the first lunar month

  • 清明节(四月五日前后)

  • the Qingming Festival/Tomb-sweeping Festival

  • 端午节(农历五月初五)

  • the Dragon-Boat Festival/Duanwu Festival

  • 情人节(农历七月初七)

  • the Double-Seventh Day/the Chinese Valentine’s Day

  • 中秋节(农历八月十五)

  • the Mid-Autumn Festival the Moon Festival

  • 重阳节(农历九月初九)

  • the Double-Ninth Festival/Chong Yang Festival

4.2.4 其他节日

  • 妇女节(3.8Women’s Day

  • 劳动节(5.1)Labor Day/May Day

  • 儿童节(6.1Children’s Day

  • 国庆节(10.1)the National Day

4.3 翻译篇章练习

在中国的传统节日中,春节是一个最重要、最热闹的节日。中国人过春节有很多传统习俗。比如除夕之夜,是家人团聚的时候,一家人围坐在一起,吃一顿丰盛的年夜饭 (New Year’s Eve dinner),说说笑笑,直到凌晨,这叫守岁(staying up to see the year out)。拜年也是春节的重要习俗,从正月初一开始,人们要走亲访友,互相拜年(greet each other)。 放爆竹(set off firecrackers)是春节期间孩子们最喜欢的活动。传说燃放爆竹可以驱妖除魔(drive off evil spirits)。

4.3.1 课前导入:PPT展示问题

  • 你知道哪些关于春节的习俗?

  • 如何用英语表达下面这些说法?

  • 春节,除夕,年夜饭,农历正月初一,守岁,拜年,贴春联,放爆竹,压岁钱


The Spring festival is also known as the Chinese New Year, which is the most important traditional festival in China. It falls on the first day of the first Chinese lunar month. In ancient time, a demon(怪物) called “Nian” that lived under the sea would hurt people once a year on the new year eve. It jumped out from the sea, attacked villages, devoured(吞食) people and animals. Some villagers suggested that the demon was afraid of loud noises, red color and flames. So they  lighted firecrackers, put on red couplets (对联)on their gates, beat gongs (锣)and drums to drive “Nian” away. Since then, the custom and tradition of celebrating the Spring Festival were born.

4.3.2 分析翻译篇章:PPT展示


1) 看懂原文大意。

2) 逐句分析,看看哪些句子可以直接顺着翻译,哪些需要调整结构,使用从句。

3) 找出较难的词汇表达。


  • 农历in Chinese lunar calendar

  • 传统习俗 traditional customs

  • 除夕New Year’s Eve

  • 团聚reunion

  • 传说according to legend


  • 断句

  • 找主干(主谓宾)

  • 处理其他部分

  • 1) 比如除夕之夜,是家人团聚的时候,一家人围坐在一起,吃一顿丰盛的年夜饭 (New Year’s Eve dinner),说说笑笑,直到凌晨,这叫守岁(staying up to see the year out)。

  • 断句

  • 注意多个动词的处理:找好谓语动词,其他的动词转换成非谓语动词。

  • 尝试把分句组合:which 指代前面整体

  • For example, New Year’s Eve is the time for a happy reunion of all the family members, when they sit around the table to have a bumper New Year’s Eve dinner, talking and laughing, until daybreak, which is called “staying up to see the year out”.

  • 2)拜年也是春节的重要习俗,从正月初一开始,人们要走亲访友,互相拜年(greet each other)。

  • 断句

  • Greeting is an important custom for the Spring Festival. From the first day of the lunar year, people visit relatives and friends, to greet each other.

  • From the first day of the lunar year, people visit relatives and friends, to greet each other, which is an important custom for the Spring Festival.


Among the traditional Chinese festivals, this is the most important and the most bustling festival. Chinese have many traditional customs relating to the Spring Festival. For exampleNew Year’s Eve is the time for a happy reunion of all the family members, when they sit around the table to have a bumper New Year’s Eve dinner, talking and laughing, until daybreak, which is called “staying up to see the year out”. From the first day of the lunar year, people visit relatives and friends, to greet each other, which is an important custom for the Spring Festival. Setting off firecrackers is the favorite activity of children in the Spring Festival, which could drive off evil spirits according to legend.



4.4 西方节日

4.4.1 有哪些西方节日?

4.4.2 讨论

  • 如何看待年轻人更倾向于过洋节?

  • 你觉得怎样才能更好地传播中国节日文化?

  • 视频赏析:如何向外国人介绍中国节日

4.5 小组任务

  • 制作关于中西方节日对比PPT,要求中英对照,可配图片、短视频,下周小组派一人讲解介绍,可提问讨论。具体内容:

  • 分别介绍中国节日和西方节日,要求包含历史起源、习俗活动、影响等

  • 比较中西方节日异同

4.6 小组展示









4.1 课前雨课堂资源学习



4.2 背景介绍

4.2.1  Importance of Diet in Chinese culture

Diet penetrates into every corner of our life.

  • In greeting ------你吃了吗?

  • In welcoming guests-----a table of luxurious meal

  • In building up relationship  ------酒杯一端,政策放宽;筷子一提,可以可以

  • In mourning for the dead or sacrifice for gods

  • 民以食为天。 ---Food is the first necessity of the people.

  • 食色,性也。---Desire for food and sex are basic human instincts.

  • 繁体字“國”-----  抄起武器“戈”以保护“口”。

4.2.2  Features of Chinese diet

  • 味道Taste is the core in Chinese cuisine.

Three essential factors in Chinese cooking:





五味调和,味道为王 。

The aim of flavoring in Chinese cuisine is to rid any unpleasant taste and **ell, to highlight the source taste, to improve and enrich its taste. All these can be achieved only when you put proper amount, at proper time and with proper heat.


  • 原料Abundant raw materials

  • 加工Elaborate processing of materials

  • 营养Nutrition of Chinese diet

Nutrition of Chinese diet



Food is the essential supply for one’s health while medicine serves as a rapid solution to one’s sickness.


Cereals supply men with necessary nutrition, fruit is a subsidiary, meat is an added benefit and vegetables are nutritional enrichment. A diversified diet helps maintain the function of the organs.                

-------《黄帝内经》(the Yellow Emperor’s Classics of Internal Medicine)     

食医---food therapy

Nutrition supply from food aims at achieving balance in one’s body while taking medicine aims at solving problems.



清淡:小米; 菊花; 腊八粥;

Philosophy of yin and yang

People believe that each food has its own characteristics of yin and yang.  

Yin foods are thin, cool and low in calories. Yang foods are rich, spicy and high in calories.

For  human body, only when yin and yang are in balance can we be healthy.  

4.3 Translation of Chinese menu
 When you eat Chinese dishes with foreigners
how will introduce the cuisines to them?




For menu translation, the expected communicative function among the target readers must be achieved. The target readers must know what the dish is about; if possible, to appreciate the delicate naming.


  1.  “写实”型菜肴——直译

This is the simplest situation for translation: translate literally the materials, ingredients, cooking methods, cutting methods, flavors etc;


炖牛肉 stewed beef

煎鸡蛋 fried eggs

炸春卷deep-fried egg rolls

叉烧肉barbecued pork


油焖笋 stewed bamboo shoot with soy sauce

咸水鸭 boiled shrimps with salt

香菇蒸鸡 steamed chicken with mushrooms

红烧猪肉 braised pork with sauce

荷叶粉蒸鸡 steamed chicken in lotus leaf packets

3、烹调法+加工法+主料名+ with/in+配料

肉片烧豆腐 stewed sliced pork with beancurd

红烧狮子头 stewed minced pork balls with brown sauce

洋葱牛肉丝 fried shredded beef with onion

青椒肉片 fried sliced pork with green chilli

  1.  “写意型”菜肴名——意译

Translate figuratively --- if allows, brief the figurative naming; otherwise, introduce the materials, ingredients, cutting methods, cooking methods or flavors

龙凤会      Stewed snake and chicken

翡翠羹      Vegetable Soup

狮子头      Braised Meat Balls in Brown Sauce

***      Stewed Snake and Wild Cat

鸳鸯火锅   Hotpot with one half Hot and another Light

芙蓉鸡片   Fried Chicken Slices with Egg-white

羊蝎子       Lamp Spine Hotpot



东坡肉       Dongpo braised pork

叫花鸡       beggar’s chicken

北京烤鸭   Beijing roast duck


佛跳墙    assorted meat and vegetables cooked in embers (fotiaoqiang——lured by its **ell, even the Buddha jumped the wall)


天麻炖山鸡   stewed pheasant with herbs ( with the function of preventing dizziness and curing headache)


如:饺子 Jiaozi 包子 Baozi 
馒头 Mantou 花卷 Huajuan 
烧麦 Shaomai 

2、 具有中国特色且被外国人接受的,使用地方语言拼写或音译拼写的菜名,仍保留其拼写方式。 

如:豆腐 Tofu 宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken 
杂碎 Chop Suey 馄饨 Wonton 

佛跳墙 Fotiaoqiang--Steamed Abalone with Shark’s Fin and Fish Maw in Broth 
锅贴   Guotie (Pan-Fried Dumplings) 
窝头   Wotou (Steamed Corn Bun) 
蒸饺   Steamed Jiaozi (Steamed Dumplings) 
油条   Youtiao (Deep-Fried Dough Sticks) 
汤圆   Tangyuan (Glutinous Rice Balls) 
咕噜肉 Gulaorou (Sweet and Sour Pork) 
粽子   Zongzi (Glutinous Rice Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves) 
元宵   YuanxiaoGlutinous Rice Balls for Lantern Festival) 
驴打滚儿 Lǘdagunr-- Glutinous Rice Rolls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste 
艾窝窝 Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing) 
豆汁儿 Douzhir (Fermented Bean Drink) 

4.3.2 Major Styles of Chinese Diet


浙菜——zhejiang Style

鲁菜——Shandong Style

闽菜——Fujian Style

苏菜——Jiangsu Style

徽菜——Anhui Style

湘菜——Hunan Style

川菜——Sichuan Style

粤菜——Cantonese Style

4.4 作业任务

1. 熟练掌握常见食材、烹饪方法、配料的英文表达

2. 翻译自己喜欢吃的菜10道,下周带来和同桌相互修改

3. 小组任务:八个组各负责一种菜系,要求如下:












4.1 导入---猜建筑图片名

4.2 中国传统建筑介绍



the timber skeleton as its main structure

4.2.1 发展历史

*Paleolithic Age  旧石器时代

sheltered in trees and natural caves

* Neolithic Age 新石器时代

simple houses in the caves (地穴式建筑) or half cave-in houses(半地穴式建筑)   with wood, mud and grass

*Qin Dynasty

E Pang Palace      

the Emperor Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum

the Great Wall

the Dujiangyan Water-Conservancy Project

*Five-Kingdoms-Song-Liao-Jin Period

stressed constructing palaces,but have been nearly destroyed

many pagodas and stone steles(石碑) were constructed with high standard and fine workmanship

*Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties

imperial  palaces and the constructions amazed the world


traditional architectural activities have sloewd down and more western factors have begun to show up

4.2.2 中国传统建筑特点

*Features of Traditional Chinese Architecture

--emphasis on the horizontal水平铺开

--emphasis on symmetry平衡与对称

--making houses face south朝南

----most Chinese buildings are built with either red or gray bricks, but wooden structures, a unique timber framework木质框架walls/ flexibility and adaptability/springy

--a Fengshui风水 practitioner or a diviner, usually applies theories as Yin-Yang(阴阳), Si Xiang(四象),Wu Xing(五行) and Ba Gua(八卦) to select an optimal place for burial or accommodation.

--roof and symboli**

*Deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture, ancient Chinese architecture boasts the following national cultural connotations:


Ancient Chinese architecture, like a silent cultural language, bears rich cultural symbols that reveal Chinese beliefs in life and society.


Unlike many foreign buildings, which attach much importance to external appearance, some Chinese ancient buildings are simple externally but enjoy internal richness.

Two typical examples are the Chinese Quadrangle (Siheyuan) and Gardens in Suzhou of East China's Jiangsu Province .


Ancient Chinese architecture has remained almost unchanged over thousands of years due to a long history of feudal society in which people embraced similar values and lifestyles.


Everything in the world is interdependent and one can never learn anything without placing it into a more general environment; Ancient Chinese architecture is no exception.

4.2.3 建筑分类


*Chinese pavilions

Chinese Pavilions are covered structures without surrounding walls.

Types of Chinese Pavilion:

Round, square, triangular, hexagonal(六角亭), octagonal(八角亭)pavilions, etc.

Functions of Chinese Pavilion:

Practical function:

 —used for military and governmental purposes

 —as a place for rest

 —as a roof to a stone tablet

Aesthetic function:

Pavilions provided a place to sit and enjoy the scenery, and they also became part of the scenery itself, being attractive structures.


As an ancient architectural structure of Chinese, the tai was a very much elevated terrace with a flat top, generally built of earth and stone and surfaced with brick.

Functions of terraces :

 —as an observatory (观象台)

 —as beacon towers(烽火台) along the Great Wall

 —in honor of the sincere friendship

*multi-story buildings

A lou can refer to any building oftwo or more storeys with a horizontal

main ridge.

Functions of  multi-story buildings :

 —for military use

 —as private homes

 —as belvederes(望景楼)

 —as bell and drum towers

*storyed pavilions (usu. two)

Functions of  storyed pavilions :

 —used in ancient times for the storage of important articles

and documents

 —a place where educated men used to gather to write articles and hold banquets

 —used for enjoying the sights


*Imperial Palaces(宫殿建筑)

Usually built on a grand scale, the imperial palaces are closely related to imperial sovereignty and were also constructed for the entertainment of rulers.

Architectural Features of imperial palaces:

--The ancient palaces were strictly laid out on central axis.

-- Yellow roof tiles were used.

--The wooden columns of the buildings, as well as the surface of the walls, tend to be red in color.

--The Chinese dragon was heavily used on Imperial architecture.

紫禁城 the Forbidden City

*Traditional Chinese Gardens(园林建筑)

The most distinguishing feature of traditional Chinese gardens is their natural mountain-and-water style. Chinese garden architecture includes both grand imperial gardens and delicate private ones.  

颐和园 the Summer Palace

*Altars and Temples (坛庙建筑)

Altars and temples built in ancient China were meant for practice of rites.

Three categories:

 —imperial temples and altars for worshiping of Heaven, the earth, the sun, the moon and the imperial ancestors

 —commemorative temples for dead people of great virtue

 —family temples

天坛 the Temple of Heaven

*Religious Structures(宗教建筑)

Taoist Temple Constructions

A Chinese Taoist temple, generally called gong(宫) or guan(观) in Chinese, is the holy hall where Taoists perform their religious ceremonies.

青城山The Qingcheng Mountain  

*Tombs and Mausoleums(陵墓建筑)

People of all social classes had their tombs carefully built.  

Over the centuries, the craft of tomb construction gradually merged with arts like painting, calligraphy and sculpture. It eventually became its own art form.

*Residential Houses(民居建筑)

Residential houses refer to the house of the common people in different parts of China.

Five major styles of residential huoses in China:          

--Courtyard House              (四合院)

-- Cave Dwelling                 (窑洞式民居)

--Earthen Building             (土楼)

--Stilt House/Pile Dwelling(吊脚楼)

--Yurt                                (蒙古包)

-- Flat-roof House             (碉房)

4.3 作业

1. 小组选取一种类型建筑进行介绍




After 3,000 years of evolvement, Chinese gardens have become a unique landscape. This includes both large gardens built as entertainment venues for royal family, and private gardens built as secluded retreats for scholars, merchants and retired government officials. These gardens have constituted a miniature that is designed in praise of the harmony between man and nature. A typical Chinese garden is surrounded by walls and consists of various buildings linked by winding trails and corridors, with ponds, rockeries, trees, and flowers scattered in it. Wandering in such a well-designed garden, people may feel that they are walking in a landscape painting.












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